School Supplies
School Supplies at Martin Luther King
Kindergarten & First Grade
- Glue sticks
- Pencils #2
- Small bottle of Elmer’s glue
- Box of 24 crayons
- Pink Pearl erasers
- Sturdy pocket folders
- Pencil box or pouch
- One subject wide ruled spiral notebooks
- Box large 16 count crayons
- Box of Kleenex tissue
- Pair of kid scissors
- Hand sanitizer
- Backpack
Second & Third grade + all of the above
- Standard three ring binder
- Ruler (cm & inches)
- Composition books
- Calculator
Fourth & Fifth grade + all above
- Black, Blue and Red pens
- Mechanical pencils
- Colored pencils
- Highlighters
- White board markers
- College ruled notebooks
- Quad or graph composition book
- Protractors (measuring angles)
- Compass (drawing circles)