Kindergarten begins with Jump Start: Aug. 12-14
Posted on: June 11, 2024

Kindergarten Jump Start
August 12-14, 2024 at 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
What is Jump Start?
Jump Start is a free experience to welcome new kindergartners and their families to Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary. Children meet their peers and school staff and get to know the school. Our goal is for all students start school feeling safe, supported, and ready to learn.
Other important details
- Transportation: families will drop off and pick up their child.
- Snack: school will provide a mid-morning snack.
- Language support: is offered for multilingual students.
How do we sign up for Jump Start?
Fill out and turn in your Jump Start registration into the main office at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary by mid-June.
Please talk with Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary in the Spring if:
- Your child needs medicine or health procedures at school
- Your child has an IEP or needs extra support
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary Office Phone Number: 206-252-6770