Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Assessments and Testing

WCAS and SBA Testing Spring 2025

  • 3rd-5th graders will take the SBA ELA CAT on May 6
  • 3rd-5th graders will take the SBA ELA PT on May 8
  • 3rd-5th graders will take the SBA Math CAT on May 13
  • 3rd-5th graders will take the SBA Math PT on May 15
  • 5th graders will take the WCAS on May 29

Learn more about Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA)

Learn more about Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS)

Testing Practice: State Test-SBAC

Reading: We use the “Readers Workshop” model. MLK Jr. Elementary devotes 90 minutes per day to reading instruction. The daily literacy block blends whole group and small group instruction with independent practice so that students have many opportunities to practice the skills they have been taught. Every learner has access to digital tools such as online games, which enables them to extend their learning.

Writing: All our teachers have been trained to use the “Writers Workshop” model for writing instruction, kids will write in their writing journals daily. they will edit, rewrite and finalize mant genres of writing throughout the year.

Social Studies: Our teachers integrate history and social studies into all other subject. This allows the kids to learn that all subject are inter-related, and not taught in isolation.